Here are the 12 fat burning tips

Here are the 12 fat burning tips in short bullets summarized from the video:

Use animal proteins moderately. The amount should be around the size of your palm for females and twice that amount for males.
Keep carbs low, below 50 grams. Consume leafy greens instead which are loaded with fiber.
Don't eat unless you are hungry. Listen to your body and avoid unnecessary snacking.
Exercise throughout the day. Take breaks and go for walks.
Avoid all grains, not just gluten-free ones. Grains create inflammation in your gut.
Do not keep junk food in the house. Avoid temptation by not having it readily available.
Avoid locations that will tempt you to eat junk food, such as restaurants and social events.
Avoid processed or packaged food. Opt for fresh food instead.
Cold therapy: Take cold showers or spend more time outdoors in winter to activate brown fat and burn more calories.
Take adaptogens such as ashwagandha, B1, and Vitamin D to reduce stress.
Avoid glyphosate, a chemical found in Roundup Ready GMO foods. It affects your gut microbes and can lead to weight gain.
Drink apple cider vinegar to help with blood sugar and insulin resistance.
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