Habit building

Using the cold to build the base

I love running in the cold. And so, I want to use this period (winter) to get most of my progress done.


This is CRITICAL. This is the way to the promised land. It has great thermo properties. It preserves muscle. Meat tier list has a list of high quality stuff. How much protein in one sitting Protein both have information on this. So, let’s keep it going.

Relationship with the scale

I havent taken my weight this year so far. I am focussing on the process. Building the foundation without being distracted.

But soon, I think I should take weight. Maybe at the end of the month.

You gotta pay attention the weight. It is your objective function. But the problem is that unlike a NN, you can have periods of plateaus which will need to get busted through. So, maybe there are other ways to measure too. Eventually I’ll see.


Gaming can be quite a bit of a distraction. It also takes the edge off. So, be careful with it.

Downside of GLPs

GLP1 and Yerba Matte might be able to get me thin. BUT, it don’t help me build a habit. So, Fuck GLPs. I will do the hard work so that the results are sticky.

What works and what doesnt?

I have been able to build habits. Running is just the latest one. I have gotten into F1. My GTD one is a great thing. So, yea, I have the ability to build habits.

But some habits have been hard to keep. Food habits and weight loss. I think it’s basically about making it easy? Running is easy so maybe that’s what is? Also – being gentle.

Strength training is a prime candidate now. Focus on easily achievable goals.

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