Running in Europe

Unbelievable. What an amazing milestone. I am loving these wins.

I went to a different country, a different continent, on a red-eye. As soon as I landed, and checked into my hotel — I fucking went out for a run. Holy crap man. It was AWESOME. It was in the middle of the day, but I did it.

I am quite a bit in amazement about my progress so far. Mental progress. I am not too happy about the physical progress, but the mental shift I have had with running is amazing. I would bave NEVER thought about running during a vacation before. But now, I seek it. I love doing it as the first thing.

i am not yet fast. I am not making the weight loss progress I was hoping for. But — I am SO HAPPY with my progress mentally here.

Now, all I need to do is modulate the food. That’s IT. Modulate it down. Let’s refocus on the calories.

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