Some early Marathon advice

[1] First – loose weight

  • Everyone seems to suggest that loosing weight is the primary thing.
  • Your joints are under stress. It may not feel like that right now, but its the case.
  • Focus on smaller races.
  • Don’t let the marathon goal get you injured.
  • Initial part, just put more time on your feet. Get used to going to the park, running etc.
  • Strength Training is actually important. It will keep you injury free. Like the air squats. Core workout.
  • Focus on ZONE 2

[2] Second – focus on stamina

  • Go longer, not faster
  • Lots of easy miles
  • Walking is fine too
  • Make this a regular habit, and enjoy the process
  • Three days a week
  • The biggest thing is getting in the miles without injuring yourself.

[3] Pace will increase as function of weight loss

  • Don’t prematurely do this. It will invite injury
  • Run slow and steady. The only person you are competing against is yourself.
  • In a few years, you will look back at your results over the years and see the increase. It will be glorious.
  • You will be less injury prone at lower weight.

[4] Beginner friendly programs

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